Our country's been plagued by this heartless monsoon for almost three days now. Hearing about all the helpless families wading through the flooded streets, the employees stranded because of work, and those seeking shelter on their rooftops shatters my heart. It makes me feel so blessed, because even though I live in the closely monitored city of Marikina, we have been flood-free as of this writing.
Everyone heaved sighs of relief when the rain stopped and the sun peeked this morning. But, what do we know? This showboating monsoon came back with a torrential vengeance. In just minutes, what we thought were already passable roads became flooded again in no time. Waters rose everywhere and even our street and driveway were no exception.
The rain's still falling steadily in a hard-harder pattern and I wish to the high heavens for this to stop.
This is certainly a wake up call and after all this, I hope the government start to seriously implement extreme measures in improving the metro's sewers and do more work in disaster prevention management. Also, for everyone to comply with proper waste management.
With everything that's happening, it's good to know that the Filipino bayanihan is still alive and kicking in high gear. "Where I'm from, everyone's a hero." That's something to be proud of.
Now on a more personal note, I was immensely tempted to come to work this afternoon after the rain halted in its rage. The revenue management team has been handicapped by almost half since yesterday and going through my work email made me wish I had the power to apparate to the office to help with all the additional load distributed to those who braved the rain. Plus, the month-end reports are due this Friday and I haven't started processing any of my reports. With the continuous downpour, I'm not sure if it's already safe to travel tomorrow. If only sun dancing would help. I am also on leave this Friday, so really, I need every help I can get. Ha! But, as what they say, better safe than sorry.
Here's to hoping for the best for the Philippines!
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