
Signs and Symptoms

You exert 10% of your so-called effort in providing a so-called great customer service.

You do not mind taking your break longer than intended, calling in sick for no reason at all, and not showing up for work.

You think about getting into the last hour of your shift the very second you take a seat at your station, and every 5 minutes thereafter.
Those and more.

The phone is not my friend. It never will be. I don't even answer our landline or any incoming cellphone call if it's not from an immediate family member. But hey, I accommodate strangers every single, ghastly workday. Oh the irony of life.
What rainshower of pixie dust fell upon me today when I checked my inbox! I received an e-mail from HR confirming my acceptance to that position I applied for a few weeks back! What's even better is that I even have friends transferring with me. Weeee! :)

The thought of leaving PClub is a bit heartbreaking. I've made lots of friends and have settled and treated the work floor like home already, that leaving is like me going to the moon. Ok, I may be overreacting since I'm only moving a floor higher and it's still gonna be the same company, but you get what I mean. It's like leaving your block because your whole batch has been reshuffled.

Anyway, I think all's good. This is the change I've been waiting for. New environment, new line of work. Though it may be routinary, I know I'll manage. Huzzah! :))

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