I just downed my second cup of hot tea. Over the course of a day and a half, I have shredded 8 rolls of tissue, blown my nostrils out, and still managed to have a ton of mucus up my respiratory tract. "Where in the world does it come from?" remains to be an unanswered query. This helpless case of allergic rhinitis will haunt me forever. If only I had half a million in bank, I'd rush to the best hospital in Manila and have my deviated septum fixed.
I had these four consecutive days planned: day and night spent in bed, reading, with a few downloaded series episodes squeezed in between. But, here I am on my second day of rest and all I've read is a page with more or less 300 words. I'm doomed. What great timing, too, since our fridge is currently filled with sweets and I'm trying my hardest not to fall into temptation. I'm a weakling when it comes to chocolate. Everybody knows that. I have two things to thank for, though. First, that my trip to Palawan was canceled. I wouldn't know how to cope with this allergy if I were there. My aunt just called and it was drizzling. Second, that I didn't have my leaves canceled. I would have been a pathetic case at work. Sometimes, I imagine being attacked with my allergy during momentous events, say, my wedding. Sneezing and fighting hard not to blow my nose in front of the priest and guests--what an embarrassment. Ha! I remember our family vacation in Baguio around this time, a few years back. I was doing okay while the sun was out, then come nightfall, the rhinitis attacked. I was already piled with 4 articles of clothing--thick jackets, yes. Scarf around my neck, double dose of socks on my feet, and I was still worn out, sneezing and walking around our rented house looking drunk. I be damned. I hope I feel better tomorrow just so I could spend half my vacation in good spirits. Family lunch again on Sunday. I better continue reading now. |
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