This has got to be the most stressful day at work, ever. All systems were down, leaving us handicapped. Even the website was a pain, choosing to crash the very same day everything else did. Adding weight to the already burdensome burden. WHUT. Imagine us repeatedly telling members to check back within an hour or so (or never at all) to access their accounts online, and apologizing for being unable to assist them in booking rooms using their points. Plus, reservations agents being complete dumbasses passing reward night reservations to us as if we weren't using the same fucking system. Dundundundun. The fucking paaaaiiinnn.
I was mumbling like a zombie I didn't really care if my boss was behind me all the while. I also did crazy things only model employees do. Magic. Who cares?
Today was the day I realized that I actually hated my job.
Today was the day I hoped and prayed I receive that call from HR confirming that I passed my interview for another department.
Today was the day I thought about actually quitting my job.
There may be more than enough reasons why these thoughts entered my mind. Maybe this just wasn't my day, or so I'll choose to think. I already had my stress-induced binge eating so I feel loads better now. All the above mentioned are now at the lowest part of my brain. But, I'm still wishing-waiting for that call. Keeping my fingers crossed. Should that not happen, hm, I guess I'll endure more headaches and test the expanse of my patience.
Merry Christmas!
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