I've been ranting about the smallest, nonsensical things lately and before you even assume, no, I'm not having my period. I should be ashamed of myself. Well, I am, a bit. Being THISLAZY has taken me nowhere, done me nothing. I have all the necessities in life of which I am very thankful for, but there are still some things I need to do for myself that I haven't acted upon.
So, last Easter, I went to church and made an agreement with Him. I have low tolerance in keeping promises but I'm betting on this one. All I need is time, patience and effort. I'm running low on the last two departments, so then comes the inspiration. Still haven't found it but,waitaminute, I'm doing all these for myself so why am I even looking for one? Bullet through the head, self.
I'm still counting a few more days before I get down with this undertaking. And while indulging during my 3 days of rest (aka sleeping, binging, and bumming around), I'd done real noteworthy things, like, uhm, painting nails. Ho ho ho.
Been changing nail "doodles" weekly without any cleaning so pardon the dirty hands/nails.
It's still messy but I've improved. *nagbuhat ng bangko hehehe*
I tried water marbling but it really ticked me off. Not advisable for someone as impatient as me.
My sister's nails. I'm mastering the art of nail polka dots. Hee.
She envies mine so I'll be changing them to strawberries tonight.
I've been on this page for a week now.
Somebody needs to move on with her reading.
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