

I am awash with adrenaline. Just a few hours ago, I was in the same venue as I did two years ago, singing and screaming my lungs out along with a thousand others to The Script. It was perfect. My list of best nights will no doubt grow as long as they'll hold a concert in Manila.


- Danny chugged a bottle of beer onstage, took a phone from an audience member, drunk dialed a random contact, then sang Nothing to the crazy lucky person on the other line.

- For The First Time was the last song in their setlist. They let the crowd chant "Oh, these times are hard. Yeah, they're making us crazy. Don't give up on me, baby" until it was just an echo, while slowly drifting from the stage. It was definitely time for an encore, and they ran back immediately after deafening shrieks from the fans. They started playing the opening chords of You Won't Feel A Thing and I was suddenly lost. YOU WON'T FEEL A THING. OHMYGOD. Danny began singing. He wasn't onstage. Out of nowhere, a loud roar filled the arena and a spotlight focused on the VIP (sides) section. Danny. He was mobbed by fans while trying to trudge his way back to the stage, still singing. It was chaotic - a fun one, and the words weren't as audible as I would've liked, but I sang my heart out. It was the best. It was the best. It was the best.

- The confetti blast during Hall of Fame (final encore song).

- "We Want More!" It was loud. From the sides, we saw Danny, Mark and Glen huddling in the corner talking about something - possibly about playing another song. And they ACTUALLY DID. They played Good Ol' Days, the song they opened the concert with. "An encore after the encore." A DOUBLE ENCORRRRRE. Hashtag: the feels.

- THIS tweet:

As much as I would like to go on and on and on, I have no words. It's just THE BEST. If you're not a fan, you will become one. (I swear!)

there are no words // i'm sitting with you and i'm glowing // we'll remember this night when we're old and gray 'cause in the future, this will be the good ol' days

Their own lyrics describe the night best.

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