

Not counting that one time where I was forced into a pink dress and a floral headdress while carrying a basket full of flowers down the aisle because I was, surprise!, a flower girl, I have never attended a wedding. Not until twenty days ago.

One of my dearest high school friends, Regina, surprised the barkada with this pretty teaser August last year. She and Rico were engaged to be married! Imagine our excitement because this would actually be the first Yudis wedding!

Engagements, as is often depicted in books and movies, has the guy going down on one knee professing his love for the girl while enumerating superlatives that, more often than not, increases the girl's self-esteem and heart rate, which then results to hyperventilation and an abundance of tears and a breathless "Yes!" that gradually ascends a full octave in the musical scale. The ending is always a lavish kiss, of course. Or kisses. And it might have happened in this couple's case, or not, but as Rico puts it: "The best yes is not a yes" and theirs was an unconventional one, thanks to Reg. Read Rico's account of his proposal. It's hilarious.

Rico and Regina have both been living in Singapore for a while now and god knows how much stress wedding preparations entail, more so if you're miles away from home, but these two made it happen, and it was glorious.

Regina, the artist, made these wonderful invitations herself, sent to us electronically. 

Aina, ultimate bridesmaid-BFF, gifted Reg with a bridal emergency kit the day before the wedding, which she painstakingly personalized. Everything from lip balm to facial wipes to aspirin to instant glue, she branded with the R&R logo. Suhweet!
The gorgeous bride. :)
Her maids of honour and bridesmaids.
Rico with the groomsmen.
The weather was fair the day of the wedding. Needless to say, I was ecstatic for a number of reasons: it's Reg's big day, I'll see my friends, and I'll be in a dress! Fact: I've never owned a dress before this. (Okay, maybe this one but that was compulsory.) I still looked like a pregnant woman but whatever, I loved my dress. :)

Bea picked me up and we arrived just minutes before the ceremony started. The rest of the girls were already there and luckily, they saved us seats. Whew! The orchestra played and the entourage proceeded with their march and when they were all in their seats and the doors were finally closed, the chapel went abuzz in anticipation. That's when I got most emotional, seeing tito and tita waiting by the door to take Reg to his awaiting groom. Aww, *clutches heart*. The double doors opened with a thud and Reg came out all beautiful and glowing. Everything was wonderful.

Here are the newlyweds sharing their first kiss!

Obligatory group photo with Mr. and Mrs. Ona!
The reception was around the corner, literally just steps away. Coral Tree Garden looked magnificent, I can't even describe it. Here I am with Gurr, Bea and Kim!
photo from Gurr
We asked Bea to do something to this plain envelope that housed our gift to R&R (which is already obvious, eh?) and she saves the day. :)
photo from Gee

The program included this game where the host states an unusual trait and each table would guess whether it was Reg's or Rico's. The first one went something like "Who among them likes to utter made-up lyrics to a song?" Of course we voted our safest bet -- Reg. Of course we were wrong. First question and we're out. Haha.

Here are Karina and Maia, Reg's sisters and maids of honor. They're also my adopted sisters, jsyk. They each sang a song that night and, without exaggeration, I'll tell you that these two have angelic voices. 
The newlyweds sharing a good laugh. I love how candid this is.
Photo on the dance floor now. We didn't dance but we migrated to a table near the mobile bar and abused the bartenders. I had glasses and glasses of mocktails. 
We stayed up until all the guests were gone, huddled around a table laughing and savoring the moment. It's one of the best nights I've had, no doubt. And I wish these two all the best in life and love and their respective careers. A happy ever after. 

**All uncredited photos are from Reg**

1 comment:

  1. Wow. What a dreamy wedding!

    I have to say you look gorgeous on pic#9. :)


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