

It's my birthday moooonnntthhhh!!! (I totally wrote that with Honey Boo Boo's manner of speaking in mind.)

I seriously think this is the best month to be born because, hello, how festive can it get? The holidays are just around the corner and people are all so positively perked up! I'm so so excited about all the coming weekends!!!

Pardon my excessive use of exclamation points, I cannot contain my feels! I hope this goes the same for you and you and you!

I assigned Mr. November as my ringtone because of obvious reasons. You can call me anytime now and I'll appreciate it but I still won't answer cos I'll just sing!

Off for a quick lunch now. Just in case you're at Medical City and are too lazy to ask for wi-fi protected passwords, head over to the Medical Arts Tower, fourth floor, and leech away. It never fails. :)

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