

There was an interesting #WesterosElections discussion over on Twitter yesterday, coinciding with the nearing elections in the US. I had an itch to pitch my own electees, of course, but there were just so many eligible candidates that I was almost picturing Tyrion and Arya seated next to each other on the Iron Throne. I cannot choose just one. So what I did was appoint my own circle of trust. Not in the realm, but in a high school setting. A Student Council.

President - Tyrion Lannister
This is a no-brainer. He is the tallest imp we know, he pays his debts, "needs books like a sword needs a whetstone," and has a heart. He can definitely lead a high school troop with more balls than Joffrey will ever have.

Vice President - Arya Stark
She's a pragmatic fighter. She's strong enough to refute Tyrion on his decisions, and it'll be fun to watch them bicker and banter. I see an evenhanded leadership from these two.

Secretary - Jon Snow
Can you just imagine how pretty his handwriting is? Me too. And do you see how much he fits the title "Sexytary"? Yep, me too.

Treasurer - Tywin Lannister
Because he's rich, he'll make the perfect Master of Coin. He even made it to Forbes' Fictional 15, if that's even saying anything.

It's gonna be a tie between Hodor and Jaqen H'ghar and with that, I have said enough.

Just so you know, I deliberately removed Daenerys and Robb from my list because they are already billed as the cheerleader and the jock; Prom King and Queen.

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