An assortment of feels from last night's concert.
a. Security won't allow people in the VIP area to stand. (False)
b. People only went to see Jessica. (Partly true)
c. Pinoys are KJ. (Partly true)
d. People weren't too familiar with the songs. (True. If only you saw how everyone went wild when they sang One Directions' What Makes You Beautiful, heh.)
e. They REALLY wanted to groove to the music but: were too shy to get up (True); nobody else around them were standing so they chose to remain glued to their seats - either to save face or as a sign of respect (True); were afraid that the kill joys behind them will do what they do best--kill other people's joy (True. An old man asked a friend of mine, quite angrily, to sit when she stood for Colton's set. She loves Colton so she had no choice but to answer back. It was a concert for chrissake!)
f. Majority of the attendees were old. Not to disrespect the elderly, but you know what I mean here. (Partly true)
g. Pinoys are KJ. (True)
3. I loved Deandre and Joshua! They did back-up vocals for Jessica and wow, hilarious energy! The way they exaggeratedly swayed and shook their tushes like drag queens will surely brighten anyone's day.
4. I was half-heartedly enjoying the concert when, in every group number, I spotted NO PHILPHILS. I wasthisclose to leaving the premises, but only in my mind. Theories on his absence:
a. He's still sick and is currently bedridden. (It seemed so)
b. He was anti-group performances. (It seems so)
c. Since he's sick, he can't join in the group numbers and will perform only one song, Home, and will enter the stage with his a wheelchair. (False)
**No caps lock, no passion. Caps lock highly necessary.
6. I screamed-sang the lyrics to Home and I heard my voice echoing in the empty tunnel that is the GenAd section (hallucination). Aaah, so special. Also screamed-sang to Raise Your Glass because it is my almost-anthem.
In conclusion, it wasn't entirely bad. It's just that I think Filipinos should be more expressive in events like this. Have fun when and while you can! Fuck YOLO but really, dudes, YOLO!
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