
Ms. Brightside

Sometimes, I think of how people perceive me just by reading the words that come out of my typing fingers. Although I wouldn't really kill to know, the curiosity will always be there. Whenever I get to backread some of my posts, I cringe. Haha. It feels weird and, most of the time, all I can say is "What the fuck were you talking about, Anne Reyes?" Then comes the tone. I guess 50% of my posts are made up of pure rant, or something similar to that state.

I was happy the entire day, from the moment I woke up until this time that I'm lounging in bed. It was like Tinkerbell specifically chose to shower pixie dust on me today, making my spirits fly in midair, ecstatic, on a high. The intensity of it all waned toward the day's end but, nevertheless, I'd still consider this a pretty perfect day. And just how badly do I want to experience this feeling every single, waking morning? I'll give up chocolates for it.

Late last year, I made a vow to refrain from posting tweets that sound somber; whinging included. I wanted to reflect happy vibes even in the tiniest bit. So far, I believe I have achieved that. (Well, aside from traffic tweets and moments of bore at work. Those can be excused.) Even in text messages. My friends all assumed that I was in lalalove after a string of insanely happy SMS. I wasn't, but those messages acted like magnets that helped up their day in a positive manner. That felt good.

I used to swear a lot. You'd hear me utter a profanity when I'm mad, agitated, or just plain bored. The use of those have decreased, too. I know people who can attest to that. I'm still mataray, I don't why, but I am trying, trying, trying to be less of a bitch at home. Tiny steps (forever, haha.)

I'd like to apply it in this blog, too. Lesser rants, more happy, happy, joy, joy posts.

Positivity. This will be the constant sail of my year. Whatever turbulent force may disrupt my flow, positivity will still reign.

By the way, this is my happy self typing. :)

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