

Here's a photo of my book loot from last year, segregated in three piles (from left): completed, in progress, and to-be-read.

This isn't everything, as I have a handful more books lent to friends that are yet to be returned. Nonetheless, this should suffice to show the hoarder in me. Since 2012 is a year of restraint, I can actually say that I have victoriously shunned myself from impulsively buying books to stack. Well, for the past month, at least. I have accomplished my imperative duty of finishing 12 books last year, and as there are still a lot left for me to read, I chose a new guilty pleasure to direct my attention to during the next couple months.
I used to be glued to the tv whenever I'm at home, channel surfing until the wee hours of morn. I kind of miss that. So right now, I have set my undivided attention in completing 10 series titles before the world ends. Ha ha! Okay, December. New and revisited shows, first season onwards. I'm currently fixated on Grey's Anatomy. I fed myself with just recaps online over the past two seasons. The hunger to revisit all the McHappenings led to scavenging all my Grey's DVDs. So here I am, spending glorious weekends ogling with McGiddiness because of the McDoctors, McPatients and, most of all, McHotties at Seattle Grace. Oh, McJoy.
Now to achieve this, I guess I'll be consuming more coffee than I would because I doze off easily, and I consume more nap time than viewing time. *throws salt over shoulder*

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