
Cheers to Positivity

I've never done resolutions in writing. I would just always tell myself that "I'll lose weight this year" or "I'll eat less chocolates this year" and, well, yeah, it gets lost in memory. And being the stubborn kid that I am, nothing gets done the way I originally planned. All goals become remnants of whispers in the air.

During the past couple of months, I've witnessed how my aunt have shed weight. She was two sizes bigger than me, and now, she already has clothes I can borrow. Last December, she prodded me to start dieting. I remember letting out a breath and saying that she can never force me into a chore I know I can't work on [read: stubborn]. I've been in that situation for as long as I can remember and it had been hopeless thus far. But that got me into a self-assessment. 

I've been thinking (and thinking): I'm already 23, I'm not getting any younger, and if I don't start now, when? Then Wanderrgirl came up with this wonderful post that hit the jackpot and made me realize that it's high time for me to do this - for myself, because I need and deserve it, and I can no longer give any excuses.

So I've set my theme for this year: Health and Wealth
Yes, Health AND Wealth. These are my two major goals and from them will stem out my mini-goals. 

I take my body for granted, and this is stated in all honesty. If I were to rank myself, I'd score a 3 out of 10 in body maintenance. My pact this year is to eat healthy. This includes avoiding (as much as it hurts my tendons) sweets, as much as I can. I know I can't completely shoo that away since it basically occupies 3/4 of my life's existence, but trimming down my excessive consumption is my goal. Another is to add fruits and make sure there's vegetable in my daily meal. Thank god for bananas and apples in 7-11. 

Along with this, I vow to remember taking my vitamins everyday. I already have them in my bag, so I am betting on this one, albeit forgetting it just yesterday. Hee. Early signs of Alzheimer's.

I am also planning to jog (at least) once a week. I'm already saving for running shoes. How about squeezing in daily exercises? A particular sport? Fingers crossed!

Now, I am not envisioning a year of earning more money. In my own terms, the 'wealth' part is just me opening a bank account where I can save real money. BPI's Saveup Plan has gone downhill when I activated online banking. Transferring funds became a breeze that all that's left on my so-called savings are tens and centavos. My pact is to save a fraction of my salary every payday -- and keep it intact. I have a target amount on this. Just deposits, no withdrawals. I need to be strict. 

I'm starting slow. These may not be drastically life changing, but something I can be proud of in the long run. I still have a couple of lists jotted down on my phone and planner, which I hope to accomplish as well. A little goes a long way. Tiny steps. Will do monthly goals, too, as inspired by 
Nothing SpacesThis, I believe, fits me better. Discipline and control. I can do this.

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