I am brimming with joy because, FINALLY, I'm feeling the Christmas spirit spreading through the veins in my body. I almost thought I wouldn't feel this perfect giddiness only present when this season arrives. Part of me thought it was because of the lack of kids in the house, also, the never-ending "I'm getting o-l-d-e-r" feeling being the primary cause of all the emo vibes I'm exuding. Ha ha ha.
I'm pumped up to set up the Christmas tree! (Do not judge the Grinch.)
I'm excited to see Nicole and buy her giftssss!
I'm looking forward to spend the eve with my family and, hopefully, attend mass after sooo long of not doing so.
The Christmas traffic might be a pain in the arse (the expanse of C-5 will forever see the worst of me), but seeing twinkling lights and having merry tunes blasting in the background makes up for it. I may be a little too late in sending holiday cheers and love, but I'll definitely make the most out of it. Huzzah! :))
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