TJ's iPad is currently at the service center, hibernating. Actually, they will be replacing the whole thing for reasons I'd rather not delve into (not techie, yo). Since I'm a lazy bee, that's the only gadget I use to scour the world wide web, whilst in bed. It had been gone for a week now, and since I am reaaalllyyy lazy, I preferred browsing thru my phone than walking up a height of steps to sit in front of the computer, resulting to zero blog posts. So, just a few bullets here:
- I'm officially an RMH Specialist! Yay! The reports we have to finish daily are sort of confusing (but fairly easy), as all things are at first. But hey, I'm happy happy! Everyone seems to be nice at the 29th. :)
- Speaking of niceties, there's this one girl who I think looks familiar, and she smiles at me everytime we see each other, which is weird, because I'm completely clueless, but I would really love to know whether we might have been acquainted awhile back.
- I am a pig. A pigger pig. Everyone who sees me says "TUMATABA KA" instead of "Hi." Hi.
- I am so, so, so, so happy that one of my favorite bloggers, Regina, had second thoughts about quitting blogging publicly. I love her. I love her.
- Also sort of affected that DJ Mo is leaving the country. Flabbergasted by rumors running around about the "abortions" that happened. Wow, so unexpected. (And for more chismis, I don't really care about the KC-Piolo breakup because I think it's stupid. (Although it's not bad to comment, ya know.) And I never really liked either of them, so there.)
- Finally started The Walking Dead. I was like @_@ during the first half of episode one but I rather got the hang of seeing blood and zombies and intestines everywhere by then. I'll try to finish it by the end of the week. (Heh, it only has 6 episodes.)
SO. BAD.I had this want 3 months ago, which quickly faded after I justified to myself that it's not really a need. The fact that I still got lots of books to finish, and the reality that the smell and feel of opening a book - old or new - compares to none, were major factors for me to drop that thought out of my system. But Amazon released Kindle 4, which costs waaay less (less than 5k when converted) than its predecessors, and I was like !!!!!!!!!! Huuuuu. Must. Control. - I know that I would still tend to buy the book even after reading the e-book, making owning a Kindle useless -- cos I'll be spending twice for a single title, so maybe I'll only have a Kindle when somebody gifts me. Or if I win it in a raffle. Or if I find 5k along a deserted street. Or, yeah.
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