
The Young, Restless Nomad

I had seizures earlier today.

I kid. I prepared hot coffee in my metallic blue thermos bottle before starting work. Two sachets and a cup of hot water. That's 200% caffeine overdose for a pig who has not yet eaten breakfast.

Two hours into my shift, I already felt fatigue creeping up my muscles. My limbs were shaking terribly, stomach was grumbling, and my throat thirsty (cos I already emptied the water in my thermbler -- that's a word sandwich). I was considering the option of opening my lunch box, sneaking a meat or two in my workstation (which was not allowed), but I laid it off because it was gross -- FYI, I had spareribs for viand.

Don't worry, I had a savior.
 Ba-na-na. I've been eating a banana a day (4x this weekend) since having my APE last week. (I'll elaborate on it later.) Krazy hungry I was, I took a bite. And then another one. And, that was an hour before my lunch break. I thought I was going to pass out. Now, cue music, watch me devour my lunch like a hungry hippo.

So back to the banana business. I'd been experiencing a tingling-numbing-heavy-idontevenknowwhattocallthis sensation in my right leg for quite some time now. (Even in pain, my body refuses to be proportionate. Arm to tummy fats ratio, anyone?) I shrug it off whenever I feel it recurring. It only happens when I'm in bed. They said all I needed was to prop my leg up a pile of pillows to help circulate the blood in my legs, but either way, I get restless. I inquired about it during my APE, and the doctor said something about deep-vein thrombosis, although she said that I was too young to have it. I was advised to take vitamin B and eat bananas regularly to increase my potassium. There goes my daily vitamin intake: One-A-Day + Vitamin C + Vitamin B12.

C U R R E N T  T H O U G H T S

) CONCEALER. I kind of abhored makeup, never wore it until I reached my final year in college. (We were ambassadress(es?) of our school uniforms, which were apparently a hit, resulting to countless imitations by other universities, so we needed to represent. Read: COMPULSORY.) I only gave in to the concealer-eye shadow-blush combo back then. I upgraded to adding liquid foundation, mascara, and lipstick to the mix during my first job, up until the first few months of my current one. (Side note: I live for pale/pastel/earthy color palettes.) At present, I settle with just concealer and a tiny dab of eye shadow (blush-turned-eyeshadow, actually, cos I'm resourceful like that, just to diminish creasing). I really don't feel the need to beautify myself for work. If not for my panda-like dark circles, I'd go bare-faced wherever I go. Sucks. Concealer is a staple. BUT, makeup never stays long in my face. And being the lazy sphinx that I am, retouching is never in my vocabulary. I always get the "Puyat ka?" comment. A LOT. HURRAH. Whud iz up? To date, I have tried using Maybelline, Revlon and Shiseido's liquid concealers. I'm just waiting to finish up what's left of my Cinema Secrets container to try a new brand. Up on my list are: this, this, and this.

2) DEBT.
I lost my first Blackberry phone last January. I swore off to a cellphone abstinence for at least 3 months to punish myself. I did enjoy those weeks being primitive again, it was sort of refreshing to be cellphone-free. B
ut who am I kidding? After 3 weeks, I bought a jejephone. Two weeks after, I borrowed 12k from my aunt to add to my then-savings to buy a new phone. 7 months later, my dues paid: 2k. Slow. Clap. I must learn to forget food. I shall strive to eat air and water daily, then force myself to deposit 10k from my 13th month pay to tita's bank account, so I'll be debt-free by the end of the year. MAYBE NOT, but at least pay half of it before the year ends. 

3) I NEED GLASSES. I think. Recurring headache, squinting on bright screens, using my hands like spectacles while reading from the monitor. Signs and symptoms. I promise to consult an ophthalmologist within the next 30 days. Pinky swear.

 - After Zachary Quinto outed himself, I came across articles saying that the flawless perfection that is Anderson Cooper is also gay. A complete shock. After Matt Bomer, I get this? I'm pro-LGBT but these god-like creatures just need to stop joining the community. Our squealing hearts are breaking. 
- I also learned that Giuliana Rancic has breast cancer. Ok, I am affected. I enjoyed watching Giuliana & Bill, props to Bill, who is just the sweetest husband ever. I watched how they endured the process of undergoing IVF, and how their utmost desire of having a baby overcame their fear and failed attempts. It's heartbreaking. I wish them strength and faith to endure this new battle.

5) AWKWARD. Which I will resume playing after posting this. AAAH 7 episodes down, 5 to go. I AM TEAM JAKE! [EDIT] That was before I saw episodes 9-12. I'm on Team MATTY-JAKE now. I'M TORN!

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