As you may see (or maybe not) my blog is revamped. Spent a good two hours on it yesterday, figuring out how to do this and that. (I suck at these things, I swear.) And honestly, laugh at me all you want, but it was only yesterday that I found out what that icon, which represents your blog, is actually called --- favicon. If you knew the depths of my google attempt just to extract the term, constructing strange phrases in my search option, you might be banging your head on the wall, laughing with me right now. It had been there on the layout page all along. HRRHRR. I wish I knew HTML like a geek.
I'm currently Shrek-ed out while watching Awkward (finally!) online. I have face mask all over my face (pun intended). Yeah, I feel gross and dirty, what with pimples appearing on my forehead, cheeks, EVEN MY HEAD! like wild mushrooms. I never thought I'd have this problem, when in high school and college I had a spotless face -- save for that occasional pimple on my nose parading during the oddest moments.
It's gonna be less than a week until my cousins-slash-bestfriends come home from their Japan exile! Hooray! After waiting forever to get their US visas approved, they're coming home a last time before heading to the Americas. *huhuhu teeaaaaarrrssss* It's gonna be an early birthday present for me, them being here. And I almost thought my 11-11-11 birthday wouldn't be momentous. Oh, my happy heart!
I'm feeling all I-want-to-blab-more this time but I'll save it for future posts (or not), probably. Jenna Hamilton's waiting for me. Ta-ta!
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