

It always happens. My hand wants to write (or type, whatever) but my brain remains dormant and not cooperative at all. You know how artists let their creative juices flowing, and writers just go on and on without experiencing a writer's block? Oh how I'd love to experience that sort of thing, and have that sort of talent. In my heart of hearts, I reaaaaaalllyyy would love to be either a writer or an artist. I've always had that frustration. And since I know that it will never happen, I'd settle with what I can exert, in that state and sense.
But hey, it ain't bad to daydream that I'd been, or will be, a creative-and/or-literary genius in the past, or in my afterlife. :)

Anyhow, my friend RoAm tweeted something awe-mazing yesterday. Let me quote: "30 Books a Year Target = Acomplished!" My jaw dropped. That's way impressive. That number is like thrice my target. I'm a lousy reader. I do read a lot, but I get preoccupied by other things most of the time. Instead of staying put in a corner, reading a book the entire afternoon, I tweet, channel surf, eat, get lost in cyberspace, sleep, eat again, among others, instead. I set a target of 1 book per month when the year started. That's a total of 12 by the end December. I'm proud to say that I'm on my 10th book now.

Reading the last sentence of the last chapter of a book never fails to wobble my heart, be it a heartbreaking ending, or one that leaves me giddy, or maybe something that teases my mind numb from a cliffhanger. Any which way, it's always an explosion of iridescence. There's always that lingering flow of emotion attached to a character and his story. More than anything, I get to feel what they feel, think what they think, see what they see. It's just the best way to spend time alone, and spend precious time, per se.

So. My current read is The Catcher in the Rye and let me tell you, I am smitten by Holden. I am planning to read more of the classics soon. I basically shy away from them, my brain just won't accept them, so it's weird that I'm interested now. I think it comes with age. (oh no) But yeah, it's not new, considering everything we've been forced to read back in high school. So, to round this up, I think I'll make a separate post before New Year's of everything I've read, and, uhm, I don't know? Let's just wait until then. Hehe. Forgive me, for I will never be cohesive in writing.

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