Gods, I'm bored. I'm the laziest bee you'll see. All I did this past week was procrastinate and be indolent. Oh, wait, I'm skilled at that. It's a cycle. I eat, sleep, go to work, bore myself at work, drink tea, watch Game of Thrones, read Game of Thrones, daydream about James McAvoy and Darren Criss, eat, sleep, you know the drill. This is specifically the time of year wherein I chance upon something to obsess about and basically preoccupy myself with it until it burns my sanity. You wouldn't want to know what 's been in that place this time last year. Hee. Anyway, I'm alone at home waiting for my pizza takeout. I am bored (have I said that yet?) and my eyes are in pain from the intense brightness of the monitor. I should be reading Tyrion's chapter by now yet here I am, typing, with nothing important to blog, really. I'm pathetic. Send me a shrink. I never make sense in my posts, and I think I always leave them open-ended. I shall soon learn to blog properly.
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