

It's Sunday afternoon. I have three books (one hardbound, one paperback, one e-book) in front of me (yes, I'm in a reader's juggling rut right now -- with slow progress) and the only reason my laptop's open is because I'm converting videos to save precious space. I finished my labandera duties early, since I woke up early. My dad used to tell us when we were little, "early to bed, early to rise, makes a person healthy and wise." He forgot to add "and hungry all the time."

After committing to several activities that I failed to follow through (I'm starting to believe that I do have borderline ADHD, no thanks to my fake friends for noticing), I started fiddling with the laptop and in five minutes came up with a new header for the blog. Using MS Paint. Huzzah? Huzzah!

The tiny print in the background is actually a continuous lyrics of a Vampire Weekend song (can you guess which one?) that I copied out from iTunes because my goal to complete the task ASAP overshadowed my urge to make it "personal" or, as the diligent would do, type it out myself. I then inverted it and printed out 'dumped thoughts' in decent typography. I don't know about you, but I like how it turned out.

An advantage in doing stuff spontaneously is that it almost always comes out as you wish it would. The header size was perfect and that made me glad. But then there's also a downside to accomplishing something without first thinking of the whole picture. Upon uploading the header, I came across a road block. It hit me that I needed to goddamn adjust e v e r y t h i n g. I dealt with it by rolling my eyes.

It took me five hours to fix the layout and sidebar. My posts are now whacked since the space got wider. I can be really OC with it, especially with the paragraph spacing, but not today. However messed up it looks, I can make do. It's not as if anyone will backread anyway. Now I believe it's that part of the post where I ask, "What do you think of my new layout? *wink *wink" and then I'll receive anonymous replies from myself. Haaaaa. Kape pa!!!

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