"Technology is a beautiful thing! The guys who created emails? Text messages? IMs? Those guys will forever have my gratitude. They have made my life so much easier and significantly reduced my anxiety. I absolutely hate phone calls – besides my mother (only because I can’t seem to get away), I hate having to talk on the phone. It sucks! So I am overjoyed that the rise of text-based communication has allowed people like me to almost completely eradicate the horrifying prospect of talking on the phone." Please Don't Ever Call Me: My Phone Hatred Explained by Stephanie BarnesMy. Sentiments. Exactly. I drop phone calls as often as I drop my phone, which is, almost always. Unless you are my aunt or my sister or my brother, you could as well imagine calling a ghost that will never pick up. But being my aunt or brother or sister isn't completely an exception, since another thing I'm not really fond of is answering calls in cramped spaces where a dropped pin would echo (i.e., inside the shuttle, in my workstation). I cancel the call and ask the caller to call at a later time when I am somewhere freer and noisier (because it's easier for me to talk when everyone around me is busy with their own lives to care), or when I am already at home (in an empty room). But really, I text them to just text me instead.
I guess this ultimately goes down to the fact that I'm not good at expressing myself verbally. It is a total struggle. They say people write like they talk. I find that foolish because I don't talk lengthily like I do in my blog posts. My verbal skills are a C-, but that's because I get away with a smile, else I'd get a D. Maybe if telepathy was a thing, I'd be a pretty decent conversationalist. But it isn't and so I'm not. I wish I talk as clearly and as spontaneously as I do when thinking with my mouth shut.
But I'd rather speak with anyone in person than over the phone, because then I can just wink at you. Above all that, I'd rather write.
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