
Just say something perfect, something I can steal

There's something really special about The National. I know I've only known them for under a year, but the love I have for them is already insurmountable. Listening to them makes me think of one word: home. It makes me feel like everything's okay, that everything's gonna be okay.

Their words soothe you, their music hugs you. It's like eating your mom's homemade stew on a rainy day while lying lazily on the family sofa, watching the raindrops spattering on the window out and washing the vast greenery in your backyard.

They may not be everyone's cup of tea, but all I know is that they caught me in chains after hearing the first verse of Mr. November. "This is nothing like it was in my room, in my best clothes, trying to think of you."

I found my soulmate in Apartment Story. "(We'll) stay inside our rosy minded fuzz so worry not, all things are well."

I try to regain self-esteem with All The Wine. "I'm put together beautifully. So tall I take over the street with high beams shining on my back, a wingspan unbelievable. I'm a festival. I'm a parade."

I consider Slow Show my lover. "A little more stupid, a little more scared, every minute more unprepared. I wanna hurry home to you. Put on a slow, dumb show for you and crack you up."

I like being tough with Runaway. "We don't bleed when we don't fight. What makes you think I'm enjoying being led to the flood?"

And well, I can't help but cheer for the Lannisters with The Rains of Castamere. "In a coat of gold or a coat of red, a lion still has claws. And mine are long and sharp, my lord. As long and sharp as yours."

Hearing them makes me feel invincible, not giving a care of what's happening outside the bubble created by Matt Berninger's quiet baritone. And I guess I wrote this so that I can move on from being too obsessed (I already have two posts of their songs, hee). But I think I've made my point. I lavv them so. <3

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