
Something Special

It's not unusual to witness a horde of servers singing out loud, cake in hand, the tune of Happy Birthday reverberating through the entire restaurant, in a buffet setting, pleasing the crowd. My sister and I were talking and grilling meat happily when that exact scene happened. We looked up, eyes following the path the servers trailed, while gushing on who the birthday celebrant was. The flock of singing boys and girls went forward, turned left, walked straight, turned right, then forward, forward, and stopped, in front of me.

Totally. Unexpected.

So there, I spent my birthday last Sunday. Sort of.

I was supposed to head home with Biboy after dinner until plans changed. Mikki and Reika wanted me to stay with them during their last night in Manila and since they had 2 suites reserved, how can I say no? I am but a flea who has a knack of squeezing her huge ass on sofabeds. HRR. Off we went to Sofitel.

Our room. (duh)

At the Club Lounge, to abuse the complimentary food+drinks.
Mikki (aka Bear) and Gorby
Reika (aka Burger) and me

Macarons, chocolate clusters and butter cookies

My tummy went-a-rumbling.
Oppa piggyback

Mikki, doing some late night writing. And that's a glass window, not a mirror.
A book about pearls written in Spanish (with English caps, of course)

Just because my bag needed a photo op. Look at the fog.
That's me, trying to eat a tree.
I went to work the next day, and the fog was ridiculous it felt like we were swimming along a street of ghosts. I'll miss these kiddos. But I'm happy I spent my pseudo-birthday with them and the rest of the gang. :)

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