

The root cause of this post: instagram. Well, it's basically everywhere, but this thought entered my head after seeing a photo in that app. I love my flabs, I love my face, but I can never see myself taking a selca and posting it anywhere online, ever. Not as a display photo, not even as a dump photo. I do point the lens at my face sometimes, but only for group shots. (I mastered that using Andi, Lloydie, and Ramon. #gofigure) Or, for wacky/goofy shots, but that would still be with, at least, somebody I know.

This does not apply to everyone, generally, but I cringe whenever I see a person's album filled with self-absorbed pictures, complete with pouty lips and seductive eyes. Same pose, different angles. Don't you, too? I salute him/her for the courage to not only take those photos, but for actually sharing them with the world. A standing ovation, more so, for those who are...#alamonayon. Yikes, childish ranting on my blog. Forgive me. I've been awake for close to 21 hours now. Not good for my brain. Unhealthy food for my thoughts.

Moving forward, let's talk about food. Hello, food. I have been suffering a deadly sin for quite some time now. Gluttony. It comes and goes, but eating, just because I want to, when I see food, is my sickness. I do this most of the time, especially when I'm not hungry. I end up gobbling anything appetizing (or not) I see in the fridge (or on stalls) even when I'm already bloated after a fulfilling meal. Worst case ever. Is this an eating disorder? Probably. Yes. I can't control myself. This shold stop. Not even a pill, which hinders a person from getting hungry, will be of help. (I have not tried drinking pills, fyi. I just know. That's how baaaad this is.) My food-filled thoughts overpower my will to eat right. I'm hopeless. Although I still hope to overcome this. Grrrrr. I need to join The Biggest Loser. But off-cam.

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